CQC ‘Outstanding’ Nursing Home

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is the independent regulator of health and social care services in England. This includes nursing homes, as well as other health and social care providers. Their goal is to ensure people have access to healthcare that meets acceptable standards.

An Outstanding Care Home
Kingswood Court achieved a rating of ‘outstanding’. This makes us one of the few ‘outstanding’ nursing homes in Surrey, and one of just 4% in the whole of the UK.
If you would like to talk to us or arrange a visit, please just get in touch.
CQC Distribution ratings

About ‘outstanding’ ratings
For a care home to be classed as outstanding, they have to be performing exceptionally well. Not just meeting the fundamental standards set out by the CQC, but outperforming in the various areas of care.
There are 13 fundamental standards that a health and social care provider must meet:
- Care with dignity and respect
- Ensuring consent to care
- Ensuring the safety of patients
- Safeguarding
- Providing food and drink
- Providing clean and suitable premises and equipment
- Providing a functioning and effective complaints system
- Good governance
- Qualified, competent and experienced staff
- Candour with treatment
- Displaying CQC ratings
An outstanding care home provides exceptional care in the above areas.
With only 4% of UK nursing homes achieving ‘outstanding’, we’re extremely proud to provide the highest quality of care to all our residents.
Find out more about the CQC inspection below, as well as excerpts from the report. You can find a full breakdown of the report and more information on CQC inspection on the Quality Care Commission website.
About the CQC Inspection
The inspection was unannounced. It was completed by 2 inspectors, 1 nurse specialist and 1 further expert.
The inspectors spoke with 10 people who used the service and 8 relatives, as well as the provider, the registered manager and 8 staff. They also spoke with the GP. They reviewed 7 people’s care records, and a range of audits and other records about the management of the service. We reviewed feedback from members of the public, local authorities, clinical commissioning groups.
The CQC inspection process is thorough and comprehensive to ensure they have full visibility of the care provided.
Excerpts from the CQC Inspection Report
If you would like to view the full report, go to the Quality Care Commission website. The following are excerpts from the full report.
Key findings
The service was extremely well led. Service leadership was exceptional and distinctive. Leaders and the service culture they created drove and improved high-quality, person-centred care.
Caring for People
This was a commitment to valuing people as individuals, supporting them to maintain their independence, and encouraging people to lead fulfilling lives.
Feedback from a GP stated: "I have visited many care homes around the country and I have come across nurses and staff with very limited knowledge of their residents. People like [Kingswood Court staff] are tremendously helpful and knowledgeable."
One staff member said, "The best part of the job is I have been encouraged to see my role as a visit to the resident. I am a visitor, they are being visited and in the meantime their room is cleaned. I get to talk to them and they talk to me and this makes me happy."
People, their relatives and healthcare professionals were very complimentary about the kindness and competence of staff. This included those people that were supported at the end of their lives.
Drive for Development
The providers passion and drive to seek out new ways of learning from best practice and improving the lives of people shone through the inspection.
"I could not praise the home highly enough. They had been so kind and compassionate."
Excellent Staff
"It's nice because everyone that works here treats the residents exactly how I would want my grandparents to be treated."
In the 12 months since the provider has owned the home, there has been a 90% reduction in the use of agency staff. Temporary agency staff can deprive people of consistency of care. Positive relationships cannot be developed between people and staff.
People felt safe at the home due to the compassionate care given by staff.
The words compassionate, and understanding were frequently used by people when they talked about the staff.
Activities and Wellbeing
Activities were well organised and varied to give people the opportunity to keep fit, exercise their minds or just have a sit and talk with others.
Staff had an excellent understanding of the link between wellbeing and people's diet. Real thought had gone into making each meal time special, and when people needed extra support to eat and drink this was done sensitively and with care.
The strong and successful partnership working across agencies was confirmed by a visiting healthcare professional who said, "It's excellent here. When I come here they know what is going on with people, they are so organised. They keep track on what I say and follow the guidance.
Feedback from Relatives
One relative said, "She is in a safe place and the right place. I know she is being looked after and stimulated by the company here. I can't offer her that at home."
One relative explained how the layout of the entrance hall had changed for the better, "You don't feel like you have to get past the staff now, but that you're welcomed in."
One relative explained how they felt fully informed and involved in the care that was given to their family member.
A relative wrote, "Thank you for your loving care or our [family member]. She could not have been in a better place for her last few months." Another relative wrote, "[Persons name] passing was made easier by your wonderful help and kindness."
Rated ‘Outstanding’
Following a thorough inspection of Kingswood Court Nursing Home, we were delighted to be given the rating of ‘outstanding’. It’s wonderful to have our exceptional level of care recognised and to celebrate the work of our staff.
Contact us today on 01737 830480 to discuss your situation - we are here to help you every step of the way. Alternatively, you can use the 'Contact Us' form to get in touch.
Exceptional Care
Kingswood Court Nursing Home
CQC Overall Rating
Latest CQC Review 3rd February 2021
See the report chevron_rightCQC Rating distribution
Of 4,152 nursing homes inspected:
Outstanding 4%
Good 68%
Requires improvement 21%
Inadequate 2%
Out of a maximum possible score of 10
(as at July 2022)